Think you know what engagement ring you want but you haven't tried it on? It's time to go ring shopping!

A brief parable about ring shopping: Many moons ago my best friend Kate was dating a great guy. They had a whirlwind romance and traveled the globe together while she lived in Berlin, Germany and he lived here in the states for two years. Just months after her return to NC he was sent to Saudi Arabia for a year. Needless to say they were obviously deeply in love as no amount of space or time zone had come between them. And so when Chris was ready to pop the question he did what every guy should do - he asked her father for permission. Oh, and he also came to me (the bff) to ask for advice on selecting a ring.
Don't get me wrong Chris had gone straight to the source (ie Kate) lots of times. But regardless of his (not) so subtle ways of trying to get Kate to tell him what she wanted he was getting no where. Kate is quoted as having said some thing to the effect of "I don't know anything about diamonds. That's like asking me what kind of boat I want. Um, one that floats and fits all my friends." Clearly it was time for an intervention!Soon after the above quote was uttered Kate and I went to the mall. We did a little shopping, had lunch and a cocktail, and then I made the suggestion: "You know" I said, as if being sly, "Sal and I have been talking about getting married (true) and so I'd love it if we went and tried on a few engagement rings today (also true) so that I can get a feel for what I'd like (false, this was really about her)."
She took the bait. Though she's my best friend, and could more than likely see right through me, it was the thought that counted.
We headed on over to the ring shop and sat right down at the counter. I selected a perfect oval diamond with a gorgeous halo set in white gold. This was it. It was the ring I'd pinned 100 times on Pinterest and knew would be the perfect compliment to my oval onyx college ring. I slid it on my finger ready to show Kate how my hand would look in the (hopefully) near future and in that moment I was SO disappointed. I hated it! Not only did it look really strange on my finger it also did look like every ring I have pinned on Pinterest and I did not feel special at all. BUT this day wasn't about me it was about Kate so I made her try it on too. She didn't get that glowing feeling either, so we pressed on. We tried on lots of cuts and I settled on a round stone and decided I wanted more of a 1920s/art deco style setting and Kate decided she loved the marquis cut diamond. Chris did a great job on the proposal by the way! But more on their wedding later!
The lesson here is to GO TRY ON RINGS. And not just diamonds. Lots of couples are opting for other center stones and it's awesome. Many people have gorgeous heirloom diamonds which will always be beautiful because of the rich history they hold. But, for those of us who are ring shopping no matter the cut or color and even metal choice my best advice is to be prepared and try on what you think you like before your future hubby drops some serious cash on that future heirloom!
Share your ring shopping story in the comments below!

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Rowan Lane is a wedding & events planning company in Raleigh, NC focused on creating the stress-free planning experience for all your event needs.
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